Looking for a breed of dog that will never let you down or get bored with? Move on up to the Rat Terrier! Solid as a tank yet easy to groom, the Rat Terrier is a very popular breed.
West Highland Terriers have that joy of life. If you could put on a Superman® cape, it would leap buildings with a single jump. Extremely active, it is a loyal family member.
The Bull Terrier is the official dog of Target® Corporation. Named "Bullseye", it is recognized around the world. In the real world, the Bull Terrier is a strong dog but makes a fine family dog.
The Wheaten Terrier is becoming more popular over time due to its relative small size and its gentle personality. It needs to be exercised regularly but it makes a fabulous family pet.
The Scottish Terrier was the head dog of the country during the presidency of U.S. president George W. Bush. Jet black in color, they are fiercely loyal to their owners.
A door bell is ringing! A Miniature Schnauzer will probably be the first to answer it. Spunky with a lot of guts, the Miniature Schnauzer is one of America's most popular dogs.
Don't want a dog that just lives on a couch? Consider a Fox Terrier! They love to play ball and retrieve objects. They are small but make great little guard dogs.