Can dogs or cats transmit or spread the Zika virus to humans?The Zika virus was named for the forest in Uganda where it was first discovered. The virus is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes [...]
Umbilical HerniaCauseUmbilical hernias are commonly seen in dogs and cats. They also go by the name of omentoceles. An umbilical hernia is caused by a weakening in the rectus muscle [...]
BrachycephalismCauseBracheocephalism is a condition, not a disease. It is a type of skull structure seen in Boston Terriers, English Bulldogs, Pugs, Persian cats and others. The face [...]
Can dogs and cats sweat?When people perspire the moisture on the skin is evaporated by the atmosphere and cools the body in hot temperatures. Dogs and cats are incapable of this [...]
How do cats purr?The purr box, as it is often called, has been a mystery for some time. Most researchers agree that it has something to do with air moving over the larynx (voice box) and the [...]
WarblesCauseWarbles are extremely common in the cat population. The insect causing warbles belongs to the genus, Cuterebra sp, a fly that normally infests rodents such as squirrels and [...]
Suscipitis8/10Mirum dumCell details lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum. Dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit [...]
Suscipitis8/10Mirum dumCell details lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum. Dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit lorem ipsum dolor sit [...]
TapewormsCauseTapeworms are a common intestinal parasite seen in dogs and cats. Tapeworms are caused by Dipylidium caninum in the dog and cat. Cats can also get infected by another [...]
Seborrhea SiccaCauseSeborrhea sicca is a member of the Seborrhea Complex. It is differentiated from Seborrhea oleosa by the lack of excessive sebum production on the skin. Dry, flaky [...]